Friday, April 7, 2006

Viva Las Vegas

So, my wife had to go to Las Vegas this week for the CTIA Wireless convention (she does public relations and represents a certain large software company that controls the universe). They were putting her up in the Venetian, and since I have nothing better to do, I decided to go party in Vegas. (And when I say party in Vegas, I mean lose $5 at the penny slots, eat gelato, and stalk Barry Manilow.)

The aforementioned software company invited us to a private bash co-hosted by Billboard Magazine at the VooDoo Lounge. While we’re there, I turn around and less than five feet away from me is Chuck D from Public Enemy.

I did the only thing I could think of and texted my friend Jim. He wanted me to ask Chuck D if he ever watches The Flavor of Love on VH1. I wanted to know how his collaboration with Jesus was going. He left before I could ask him these probing questions.

More thoughts on Vegas to come.

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