Friday, December 2, 2005

All I Want For Christmas

Christmas shopping is always difficult for me. I obsess about getting the perfect gift for the people in my life. This year is no different, so I was relieved when I opened the mail the other day and found the Christmas catalogue from my old employer, the Christian bookstore.

This brochure was filled with gift ideas. Not wanting to keep these treasures to myself, I have decided to highlight different items in the days leading up to Christmas.

We will begin where all good Protestants begin – with the Bible. Christians have spent millions of dollars trying to figure out the best way to package the Bible so people will want to study it. (Apparently, that whole “personal God, death on a cross, rising from the dead, eternal life” story just wasn’t flashy enough).

One of the more popular attempts at this is the One Year Bible. A take off of this concept are The One Year Mini For Women and The One Year Mini For Men. Here are some pictures:

I find these covers fascinating. The woman looks like she is overcome with joy while the man looks like he is being crushed by guilt. Maybe the man has realized that for generations men have misinterpreted the Bible in an effort to marginalize everyone from ethnic minorities to women, and he is dealing with this new awareness. And maybe the woman has also realized this, and she is rejoicing in her newfound freedom.

It’s just a thought.

1 comment:

bobbie said...

HAHA! rejoicing here! great post ben! can't wait to read more!